Nkechi Taifa is Founder, Principal and CEO of The Taifa Group, LLC, a social enterprise firm whose mission is to advance justice. She is the founder and convener of the Justice Roundtable, a broad network of advocacy groups advancing progressive justice system reform, as serves as Senior Fellow at the Center for Justice at Columbia University. She served as Founding Director of the Howard University School of Law's award-winning Equal Justice Program from 1996-2002, and as an adjunct professor at Howard Law and American University Washington College of Law. Throughout her career she has served as legislative counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union Washington Office; policy counsel for the Women's Legal Defense Fund; staff attorney for the National Prison Project and Network Organizer for the Washington Office on Africa. In her private law practice from 1987-1991, Taifa represented indigent adult and juvenile clients, and specialized in employment discrimination law.
Law Review Articles authored by Taifa:
Let’s Talk About Reparations, Columbia Journal of Race and Law, Spring 2019
Interrelated Solutions to Integrated Issues: A Multidisciplinary Look Behind the Cycle of Incarceration- Harvard Law and Policy Review, Vol 3:2 Summer 2009 (co-authored by Catherine Beane)
Codification or Castration: The Applicability of the Intern’l Race Convention to the U.S. Criminal Justice System - 40:3 Howard Law Journal 641 (1997)
Civil Forfeiture v. Civil Liberties - 39:1-2 New York Law School Law Review 95 (1994)
Three Strikes and You’re Out: Mandatory Life Imprisonment for Third Time Felons - 20:2 University of Dayton Law Review 717 (1995)
Selected Articles/Blog Posts/Book Chapters/& Video Interviews
authored by Taifa
Article: “By Keeping my Books Banned Central York, PA School Board has Chosen Crass Censorship over Meaningful Dialogue", Sept. 2021
Article: “Thank You for Banning My Books: An Open Letter to the Central York, PA School Board”, Aug. 2021
Article, “Race, Mass Incarceration and the Disastrous War on Drugs,” May 2021
Article, “Ghosts Too Close: This Week’s 1919 DC Race Rebellion and the Tragic History of DC’s Lafayette Park,” (July 18, 2021)
Article, “My Reparations Victory: What Comes Before Word and Deed?” (August 22, 2021)
Article, “Thank You for Banning My Books: An Open Letter to the Central York, Pennsylvania School Board,” (August 17, 2021)
Article, “A Fight in a DC Suburb to Stop Black History form Being Repeatedly Paved Over,” (July 20, 2021)
Open Letter, “Three Things Wrong with ’10 Things We Get Wrong About Reparations: An Open Letter to Rolling Stone" (July 15, 2021)
Testimony, “COINTELPRO: What Happened and Lessons for Today,” (April 15, 2021)
Article, “Daniel Kaluuya No Longer Getting Out; But Does That Make COINTELPRO In?” (April 13, 2021)
Article, “Sister Search: Remembering My Howard University Roots During this Women’s History Month,” (March 9, 2021)
Article, "REPARATIONS, Not Only Possible … but INEVITABLE!,” (FEB. 26, 2021)
Article, “Of Terror and Promise: On This Stormy MLK Day, There’s No Better Time to Call for Reparatory Justice,” (Jan. 18, 2021)
Article, “The New Terrorism, Like the Old Terrorism,” (January 7, 2021)
Article, “What a Black Power Attorney Tells Us About How to Handle a Biden/Harris Presidency, (Nov. 12, 2020)
Article, A Gesture to the Left that the Biden/Harris Team Must Do Now, Medium, Nov. 25, 2020
Article:Protests Are Part of a Long-Standing Demand for Justice, ColorLines, June 18, 2020 [Op-Ed]
Guest Blog Post: "Reparations Has the Time Finally Come?" ACLU June 17, 2019
Article: "Clemency: An Inside Story from a Progressive Activist," Federal Sentencing Reporter June 2017
White Paper: "Racism in the Criminal Justice System: Institutionalized Genocide? American Constitution Society 2016
Video Panel: "Striking the Balance: Sentencing and Public Safety in America," Charles Koch Institute, 2015
ACS Guest Post, "My Brother's Keeper: How We Failed the Central Park 5," Bennett, Frazer & Taifa (March 14, 2014)
Article,"Righting Historical Wrongs Through Clemency," Washington Informer Newspaper, (February 28, 2014)
Blog Post, "Justice for Eight in Crack Cocaine Sentencing: Thousands More to Go," OSF Voices, (January 7, 2014)
Blog Post, "Judge Patricia Wald: A Champion of Freedom," November 20, 2013, OSF Voices, (November 20, 2013)
Videoof Panel, The Era of Mass Incarceration, American Constitution Society Convention, September 11, 2013
Blog Post,"How to Slash the Cost and Size of Overcrowded U.S. Prisons OSF Voices (November 7, 2013)
Taifa talks to American Constitution Society blog on mass incarceration. ACS video , (August 21, 2013)
Guest Blog Post,"Holder Seeks to Reform Harsh Drug Sentencing, Incarceration Laws, ACSBlog (August 13, 2013)
Blog Post, "Cracking the Disparities: The Ongoing Battle for Fairness in Crack Sentencing," Huffington Post, (June 26, 2012)
ACS Guest Blog Post: "Missing the Mark with Mandatory Minimums: 25 Years of a Flawed Strategy," (September 20, 2011)
"A Bittersweet Moment in History," article on crack cocaine legislative update, Champion Magazine - National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (May 2010)
Videoof Taifa Interview: 25 Years of Injustice: Sentencing Disparities for Crack and Powder Cocaine,The Coffee House, hosted by Angela Jordan Davis, February 1, 2010.
Video Blog, "Taifa Calls for New Thinking on Criminal justice Policy, American Constitution Society (December 22, 2009)
Blog Post, "The Importance of an Integrative Approach to Justice," ACS Blog (December 4, 2009)
Moderator, "Reorienting Federal Criminal Justice Policy: An Opportunity for a More Integrative Approach?", featuring Senator Jim Webb, Congressman Bobby Scott, and White House Domestic Policy Counsel Florentino Mariano Cuellar, with panel of experts (December 9, 2009).
Policy Report, "Moving Toward a More Integrative Approach to Justice Reform, Behind the Cycle Project (February 2008).
White Paper, The Crack/Powder Disparity: Can the International Race Convention PRovide a Basis for Relief?" American Constitution Society for Law and Policy (2006)
"Social Policy Implications of Racial Disparities in the Criminal Justice System," published in Color of Social Policy, Chapter Six
Tulia: Tip of the Drug War Iceberg (Book Project Chair)
"Emmett Till: A New DOJ Investigation is Welcomed," Watching Justice (May 12, 2004)
"Crack, Congress and the Million Man March." Black Commentator (October 20, 2005)
"Roadblocked Reentry: The Prison After Imprisonment" (November 13, 2003)
Report, "Re-Enfranchisement! A Guide for Individual Restoration of Voting RIghts in States that Permanently Disenfranchisement Former Felons." Advancement Project (September 2002)
Script for Mock Trial, "Justice on Trial: Racial Disparities in the American Criminal Justice System, written and produced for the National Bar Association 2001.
Proceedings - "Human Rights in the U.S.: The Unfinished Story of COINTELPRO and U.S. Political Prisoners" (September 14, 2000) Congressional Black Caucus Forum hosted by Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, containing official transcript of remarks. See also video of Taifa testimony at the Proceedings on the Cointelpro.
Panelist, "Racial Profiling: Good Police Tactic or Harassment?" CATO Institute (May 15, 2001)
Report Introduction, "The Impact of the Criminal Justice System on Women and Their Families," 2.1 Center for Research on African American Women Journal 11 (2001)
"Reflections From the Frontlines - An Insider's Perspective on the Crack Cocaine Controversy," 10:4 Federal Sentencing Reporter 200 (1998).
"Beyond Institutionalized Racism: The Genocidal Impact of Executive, Legislative, & Judicial Decision-Making in the Crack Cocaine Fiasco," National Bar Association Magazine, Vol. 10, No. 5 (1996).
Drug Laws 100 Times Harder on Blacks, Focus Magazine, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies (April 1995).
"Laying Down the Law, Race by Race: Criminal Sentencing Falls Disproportionately Harsh on Blacks and Latinos" Legal Times (October 10, 1994).
"The Crime Bill: A Civil Liberties Perspective," National Bar Association Magazine (Sept/Oct 1994).
ACLU Analysis of Major Civil Liberties Abuses in Senate Crime Bill (principal drafter) January 7, 1994.
"Race + Three Strikes = Injustice," National Law Journal (March 2, 1994)
"Mandatory Minimum Sentences Open Up a Pandora's Box," National Prison Project Journal (July 1993).
Contributing author to Reparations Yes: The Legal and Political Reasons Why Blacks Should be Paid for the Enslavement of Our Ancestors.